Meningkatkan Prestasi dan Keaktifan Belajar Materi Akhlaq Mata Pelajaran Pendidikan Agama dan Budi Pekerti dengan Metode Cooperative Learning Tipe Jigsaw Pada Siswa Kelas 8b SMP Negeri 1 Sudimoro


  • yahyasyaefodin SMP Negeri 1 Sudimoro Pacitan


Keywords: jigsaw cooperative learning, learning achievement, moral material, student activity



The Jigsaw Cooperative Learning model is a systematic learning model by grouping students for the purpose of creating an operative learning approach that incorporates student skills. This method emphasizes teaching and learning activities in small groups, where students learn and work together to accomplish an optimal learning experience, both individual experience and group experience.

The Jigsaw Type Cooperative Learning (CL) learning design is carried out in small groups where students learn and work together to achieve optimal goals. Its spirit lies in the responsibility of individuals as well as groups, so that in each student grows and develops the attitude of interdependence in a positive way.

This research was conducted at SMP Negeri 1 Sudimoro with 8B class  as the research subjects in semester 1 of the 2019/2020 academic year. Ahklaq material on the subject Religious and Character Education.The objectives of this study are (1) to find out whether the use of the Jigsaw Cooperative Learning method can improve the learning achievement of morals in the subject of religious education and character education. (2) To find out whether the use of the Jigsaw Cooperative Learning method can increase student learning activity in the morals of the subject of Religious and Character Education.

The type of research is Classroom Action Research. Analysis of the data using the Analysis of Completeness Percentage of Learning Outcomes of Religious and Character Education.

The results of the study using the Jigsaw Cooperative Learning method can improve student learning achievement in the subjects of Religious and Character Education. This is because students are required to study harder, and be able to find out the weaknesses of their own understanding and get improvements from their friends.Learning with Cooperative Learning will provide benefits for students in: Increasing learning activity because it requires students to work together and socialize, train self-sensitivity, efforts to reduce anxiety and foster self-confidence, increase learning motivation, self-esteem and positive behavior, as well improve their learning achievement.





